After manual collection or purchase of oyster mushrooms, it is important to properly prepare them for storage. So they will retain useful substances for a long time and will be ready for use at any time convenient for you. In this article you will find the main principles for storing mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms: description and photo
Oyster mushroom ordinary or, as the people call it, oyster mushroom, is an edible mushroom of the genus Oyster mushrooms. It is widespread in temperate forests. Grows in groups on stumps, fallen trees and trunks of deciduous trees. Their number in the group can be 30 or more fruiting bodies, which grow together at the base, representing a kind of “bouquet”.
The mushroom itself is a pest for trees, because it causes them to rot yellow. The more rot forms, the more oyster mushrooms can be found in this place. If a tree dies due to infection, then they can continue to grow on it, therefore this mushroom is considered to be predatory.
Oyster mushroom is edible and does not pose a threat to the human body, it also has no similarities with poisonous species.
The specimens grow large, the diameter of the cap can reach 10 cm. It feels dense, fleshy, has a thin edge, the general form is rounded. Age can be determined by the shape of the hat - if it is convex, then the mushroom is young, and if flat - old. Color can vary from yellowish to ashen with a purple hue.
Leg is usually short. Often, you may not even notice it under a large hat. The pulp is juicy, white and dense. Over time, it becomes harder and more fibrous. Almost no smell. The taste, according to many reviews, is soft and pleasant. May resemble anise. This is due to the content of benzaldehyde in the chemical composition.
Did you know? Oyster mushrooms can be compared with dairy products or meat in terms of protein content. This figure is 2.5 g per 100 g.
When and where to collect
The time for collection is from September to December. In the countries of Europe and in Russia, they are actively growing throughout the fall. Oyster mushrooms like low temperatures and appear after cooling. They can grow in the summer if the temperature has been lowered for a long time. In different regions, the collection time may also fall in the spring.
Many mushroom pickers make the mistake of going in search of this mushroom - they, as in a normal search, usually look under their feet, while they need to look up and to the sides. Oyster mushrooms are located on tree trunks, from which they got their name - they grow in limbo. Most often, they choose a birch as a place for growth. This is their favorite tree.
But you can find them on aspens, and on willows, and even on pines. Conifers rarely fall prey to this predator, but when searching, it is recommended to inspect all the trees. If you decide to go to gather oyster mushrooms, it is best to go in the fall to the deciduous forest. But there is a chance to meet them almost everywhere and almost at any time of the year.
Important! When collecting, cut the entire group, even the smallest fruiting bodies. They will not survive if their larger neighbors are cut off.
How to handle oyster mushrooms after harvest
After collection, they must be processed as soon as possible, i.e. this product is perishable. The whole process can be divided into the following stages:
- Screening. First of all, the crop needs to be inspected. Old, wormy, rotten, damaged, frostbitten or moldy specimens should be discarded. The presence of mucus is also a signal that the fungus is unfit for consumption.
- Sorting. Depending on the type of subsequent preparation, the crop is sorted by size and quality. To do this, you need to divide the groups into separate instances. Small dense fruiting bodies are well suited for any kind of workpieces. Larger and older ones can be defined for cooking and frying.
- Cleaning. Unnecessary debris and insects must be removed from the surface of hats and bodies. A hard sponge is often used for this purpose, but you can also use a knife. Minor browning and damage is recommended to be cut.
- Washing. This procedure does not need to be carried out if the harvested crop is intended for freezing or drying. In other cases, such cleaning is necessary.
How to prepare oyster mushrooms for storage
If the harvest is to be stored, then rinse it is not worth it. In case of excessive contamination, a short rinse under running water is allowed. After this, the mushrooms must be dried before being sent for storage. It is important to place fruiting bodies in airtight containers, as they tend to absorb odors.
Did you know? The record number of these fruiting bodies in the group was 473 pieces.
In addition, in an open container there is a possibility of weathering and drying of the contents. The bottom of the container can be covered with paper or paper towel. The thickness of the layer in which they are laid should not exceed 20–25 cm, otherwise there is a risk that the lower rows will be remembered. They need to be laid evenly, leg to leg, if they are not cut. Under the container itself, you also need to put a paper towel.
How and how much to store raw
Raw mushrooms are not intended for long-term storage. Without proper treatment and without cooling, they can deteriorate on the same day. If all the rules for preparing for storage are observed, this period can be extended from 5 hours to a day. The best storage method for fresh oyster mushrooms is in the refrigerator.
How much is stored in the refrigerator
You can familiarize yourself with the approximate temperature regime and shelf life below:
- +7 ... + 10 ° С - 12–17 hours;
- 0 ... + 5 ° С - 24–72 hours;
- -2 ... 0 ° С - 72–96 hours.
Industrial enterprises often use refrigerators that can maintain a constant temperature of up to -2 ° C, which allows them to extend their shelf life up to 2 weeks. For longer storage, it is recommended to use deep freezing.
How much and how are stored in the freezer
The freezer allows you to save your harvest for a long time without loss of taste and healthy qualities.
Important! If a defrost occurs due to a power outage or other circumstances, then the mushrooms cannot be re-frozen. This will significantly degrade their quality.
To understand how long you can freeze, you need to check the temperature regime of deep freezing:
- -12 ...- 14 ° С - 3-4 months;
- -14 ...- 18 ° С - 4-6 months;
- -18 ...- 24 ° С - up to 1 year.
Do not forget about the preliminary preparation and proper packaging of fruiting bodies. More than 1 kg should not be stored in one container.
Now you know how to properly store purchased or collected oyster mushrooms. Follow the tips of this article, and these mushrooms will be able to please you with their taste and benefits for a long time.