In the pursuit of savings, Ukrainian producers of various products are increasingly adding cheap, but harmful, palm oil to confectionery and dairy products.
The data that Ukraine massively purchases palm oil from Malay and Indonesian suppliers was released by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. According to the agency, this year Indonesia alone imported more than 13 thousand tons of palm oil into the country. Shipments from Sweden and Malaysia are not so large (1.7 thousand tons and 66 tons, respectively), but the overall picture is depressing - first of all, for doctors and those Ukrainians who monitor their health and diet.
“Manufacturers buy palm oil in bulk from foreign traders, even though the Verkhovna Rada recently adopted a serious bill,” experts say. “According to this bill, Ukrainian producers will be banned from using palm oil while cooking food.”
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But this is not the biggest problem, activists emphasize. The alarm is just right for the reason that many unscrupulous manufacturers often are silent about the use of palm oil in the preparation of certain products. But this type of oil poses a considerable danger to the human body. In particular, due to refractoriness, palm oil, getting into the human stomach, is poorly digested and retains a “plasticine” consistency, settling on the mucous membrane of internal organs.
In addition, palm oil is saturated with fatty acids, which increase not only cholesterol in the human body, but also the risk of heart and vascular diseases.
“Palm oil tastes good,” the doctors said. - That is why it often attracts consumers. But all this subsequently leads to almost drug dependence on "palm" sweets and provokes problems with being overweight.