Recipes for the preparation of many drinks have been passed on by people for centuries. The effectiveness of the gifts of nature in the prevention and treatment of various diseases has been proved more than once. Rose hips occupy a special place in the history of traditional medicine. From its fruits, you can prepare healing drinks for the future, for example, compotes, which will make up for the lack of vitamins in the winter.
The benefits and harms of rosehip compote
Rosehip is a truly healthy berry. It contains many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C. However, it is not customary to consume raw berries. More often they serve as ingredients for compotes, decoctions and infusions.
Since it takes only a few minutes to cook compote, all the beneficial substances of the fruits are preserved. The drink enhances immunity, saturates with energy. It is also recommended to use it to strengthen blood vessels and normalize digestion.
- It is worthwhile to refrain from drinking drinks from rose hips with:
- gastritis and ulcers;
- reduced pressure;
- individual intolerance to berries or allergies;
- kidney disease.
However, doctors say that you should not be afraid of rose hips. You can drink the drink to people with the above problems, but in small quantities. Drinks from rosehip negatively affect tooth enamel due to the presence of acid, so after using them it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water.
Selection and preparation of ingredients
For the preparation of compotes, you can use fresh, dried or frozen fruits. There are two ways to preserve berries for the winter. The first one is drying. It is recommended to do this procedure immediately after collection. The berries are washed, removed the bones and hairs (optional), and then sent to the oven or use a special electric dryer. In the oven, the fruits are dried for 8 hours at a temperature of +40 ... + 50 ° С.
The second option is freezing. Berries are also washed and separated from the seeds. Then the finished pulp is placed in a special container for freezing and sent to the freezer. Rosehip berries are perfectly combined with other fruits and dried fruits. If you prepare a drink with one component, then it will turn sour. For sweetness, you can add sugar or honey.
Before preparing the compote, it is necessary to sort the berries, rinse, remove seeds from them, remove the stalks (if any). The container is sterilized over steam or scalded with boiling water and dried. Tin lids for preservation need to be boiled for 1-2 minutes.
Important! Honey is put in compote only after cooling the liquid to +40° C - at high temperatures, the product begins to release harmful substances.
Rosehip compote recipes for the winter
To cook stewed fruit according to the recipes listed below, berries can be used both fresh and dry. The calorie content of the dry berry drink will be slightly higher. Before serving, the finished drink should be filtered to avoid fluff.
3-4 liter cans 20 min
Nutritional and energy value (per 100 g):
- Rinse the fruits, cut in half and separate from the seeds.
- Put the prepared pulp in a pan, add water, cover with sugar and put on fire.
- After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum and boil for 15 minutes.
- Pour compote into prepared jars, cork with lids, cover with a blanket and allow to cool.
With apples
3-4 liter cans 60 min
Nutritional and energy value (per 100 g):
- Cut the apples, remove the seeds.
- Do the same with rose hips.
- Rinse fruits and berries and put in a jar, having previously sterilized it.
- Pour boiling water over the jar, close the lid and leave for 50 minutes.
- After time, drain the water into the pan. Put the container with liquid on fire, bring to a boil, add sugar and simmer for 5–8 minutes on low heat.
- Pour the resulting syrup back to the fruit.
- Cork the jar with a sterilized lid, cover and allow to cool.
Dried fruit pattern
3-4 liter cans30 min
Nutritional and energy value (per 100 g):
- For cooking, you need dried fruits, preferably seedless (they can give an unpleasant taste). Rinse the berries and let them dry a little.
- At the same time, put a pot of water on the stove and boil.
- Put sugar in boiling water and keep on fire until completely dissolved.
- Reduce the fire and add berries.
- At the final stage, boil the drink for 5 minutes, then strain on the berries and pour into an already sterilized jar.
- Roll the uzvar with a lid and cool slowly under a blanket or dense cloth.
Features of storage of blanks
After seaming, the jars must be turned over. In this way, flaws can be identified. If stewed fruit spills out - you need to fix the problem, and carry out the conservation procedure again. After this, banks are wrapped up for about a day. It is recommended to store the compote that has already cooled down in a dark place with a low temperature and low humidity, for example, in a pantry or cellar.
Did you know? Wrinkled wild rose, growing off the coast, is propagated by the release of fruits and seeds into the water. Those, in turn, drift on the water until they are washed ashore by the current. A special wax coating on their surface protects the fruits from getting wet, and the peduncle helps keep the balance.
The process of preserving compote from rose hips is quite easy. If everything is done correctly, you can provide yourself and loved ones with a tasty and healthy drink for the whole winter.